Thursday, November 25, 2010

And here they are the faeries wild -

with eyes of light and hearts of wild..

and in the night times when stars do shine they fly and smile and hearts divine they are my faeries heart.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

And spring has come the sky is alive.

Birds, bees and plants drive to survive - the faeries watch and help and see - how wonderful this is for you and me
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Thursday, July 01, 2010

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

A curtsey faery for Edy

This faery is taking a curtsey bow for Edy who has just had the good news that she is free of Cancer. So here t'is Edy..."Hip Hip Hooray! " Now just go out and have the best life you could ever have. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 18, 2006

These are just checking-up faeries who arrived uninvited just to make sure that blogger site was 'a ok' and allowed them all to visit when they felt like it. Looks like they were able to do that, the niggly little things. I tried for ages with no joy at all. Posted by Picasa
These faeries are "test" faeries which I employed to serve when I could not get the bloody Blog to respond to anything I posted... they broke the drought and here they are bold as brass... Do not know how they did it but all my figuring out had no effect...I finally posted these ones and the next onesand all of a sudden all my posts came back from "Internet Land" they appeared...mysterious wasn't it?Posted by Picasa
Its back...unbelievable
Trying to post to this site is impossible ...where's my bloody blog????

Saturday, March 04, 2006

I got a real shock when I first saw this striking faery. I was over near the dam near our front gate, just gazing at the purple and yellow lillies which had picked up the last rays of the summer sun... and there was a flash of colour in the corner of my eye. I snapped round to look and there she was... a brilliant anomally of patterns amongst the reeds. Then she was gone. The wild ducks swept up out of the reeds and were all gone away into the darkening sky. Maybe she went with them. Posted by Picasa
A gift more precious than diamonds is what this faery presents to us. Pure water, straight from the head of a river, right out of the mouth of the mountain; mineral rich and full of the life which comes from swirlsand eddys in and out the sunlight and shade, in and out the rocky banks and deep hollows of the rushing river. More precious to life than diamonds. No amount of boiling or filyering can creat living water which is needed for real good health and quality long life. Many thanks to the living water faery. Posted by Picasa

Friday, March 03, 2006

These are not tears... she is not a sad faery...she is the Lapis Lazuli Faery and all things blue are attracted to her. The tears are merely the blue jewels which run from eyes which have seen beyond our time. Beyond to the ancients, beyond them to the andeluvian worlds we know nothing about...of Mu beyond to the times to come which hold the dreams of manking and all sentient life on earth. Not sad tears... just tears of knowing. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I rather like this one... no reason at all ... she jsut makes me feel peaceful ... and after all the shit thats gone on it my house today ... peaceful and calm is good ... all hail to the peaceful faery. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, March 01, 2006

This lot whizzed past my window early this morning. I hopped up and found them zipping in and out the rose bushes. But when I opened my door they wooshed away, through the purple Hibiscus, past the Silky Oak and off fast I couldn't see where.

It was an amazing morning. After the heavy rain of the night the sun rose slowly and all the bushes and trees were glistening in multicoloured droplets. Just so beautiful.

No wonder the happy faerys paid my yard a visit.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2010

No matter how bleak the day
the faeries still come out to play

and if I walk amongst bleak winter skies
their light and love brings no lies

and if for a moment I stand still and feel
the wintry sun, cannot reveal
a faery world where light is life,
where there is but faery strife

what hat to wear, what hood to hoard
what coins to toss onto the board..

and when the game of life is done
we all come back to where they cam from

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And there they are all filled with light

from moon and stars and sun's bright light

from pearls and diamonds and opals true

they dream of light and breathe its hue.

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