Tuesday, January 15, 2008

In the quiet of a summer evening,

she peered slowly around from behind the tree outside the fence . I had gone up the padock to shut the gate and all around was still...the last rays of sun flushed the darkening land with gold and I thought my heart would burst ... she was gone before she really registered although she seemed to move so slowly...maybe it was that time itself had slowed down and she was just the flit of light before my eyes, but this registered... just the glimpse.

The old gate is saggy and needs a good lift to shut, and it stops nothing really as there is no bit of fence beside it. Its more a symbol of the closing of day and need for enclosure... it only stops nosy drivers who are too lazy to get out of their cars and open it... it says"hey you...this is the end of the road." I had people jusy driving up into my place pretending they didn't know they'd left the public road... too many opportunists around.

Must seem strange to the little face I saw when I was up there...dragging a bit of metal across the road... for what... she might wonder.

But then if our faeries and such have indeed followed us from out ancestral homes in Ireland and other such...they already know not to try and figure out the Celtic mind anyway. We need no reasons for much of what we do. Maybe thats why we hang about each other...

Then again, maybe I move too slowly for her to even register my passing and its a non issue totally...


David said...

As ever, a touch of magic.

Nina said...

Do they move too fast, or do we move too slow? A good question...

Beautiful portrait, MC. You caught a glimpse just in time.

Middle Child said...

David... is the magic in us... does it come from our ancestry, of from the land itself...most likely all three and more...it makes life worthwhile.