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These two qu
ick whipped up daughter faeries keep me sane...or there abouts...with their quirky common sense wisdoms... if I had never had them in my life...would I have missed them? You better bloody bet I would have... my inner life holds all their chuckles and escapades and hugs, and pure rich and delightful devilments... I am meant to be where I am and who I am at exactly this time in the history of the world...purpose being...who knows what? They have helped make that all possible...not just for me...but also for themselves! e
Just a whimsy.
..for no reason at all...what so ever...this bunch of faeries rested ever so elegantly on the grass outside the house...for a while...and then they were gone...
for no reason at all and just a whimsey took them away as it had brought them... much better than tele!
I don't know where she came from at is so long ago. I was reading Marion Zimmer
Bradley's amazing "The Mists of Avalon" when I drew this way back in the mid '90's. I had lost this drawing and found it in abox of stuff gathered when we moved...I remember it as an really nice time for me and thats all. Every one, man woman and child has to read that book...she worte others before and after that time, and is sadly now dead to us, but that book changed a lot of how i thought of the world Ilive in.
We have a tree out th
e back called a Silky Oak; actually a couple of them. Right now in mid spring (Australia) the largest of them is covered with bright orange-yellow flowers. This little faery is only the size of a tennis ball and I had to look really hard at her before I realised she was sitting there calmly amongst these flowers. She was aware of me but in a detached way and didn't flit off or flick out as some of them are wont to do.
The birds seem to be just going beresk amongst the branches.
We didn't plant these trees. An old couple who lived here for thirty years planted them when they came and we are grateful for their efforts. They came here at our age (early fifties) and she, Mrs Evans is now in her eighties... her husband died recently. They wanted to be self sufficient and had one cow, a cow bale to milk her in, herbs, fruit trees, flowers etc... he had a small boat in which he would go down to the nearby Hastings river to fish... there is an incredible feeling of peace in this place and maybe it was this which drew this couple to here or maybe they created it themselves. She was happy enough to sell it to us as she knew we would keep what was here. Her husband died just after we moved my husband he was in a wheelchair, but from Parkinsons. The night he died we remember well because there was something really strange about that night and we both felt it and commented at the time. I just asked my husband and we both couldn't recall what it was but it was a sort of odd noise/movement thing which un nereved us but not so as to frighten us.The next day we were told he had died at that time. I don't know what this has to do with this Silky Oak Faery but obviously something of the people who came before was there because as I drew her I thought of them and all the years they lived here.. s
These bunch of dawn faeries I noticed ourside the house in a big tree. I was lying in bed at about 5am just looking out the big glass door and not thinking anything much at all. I closed my eyes and opened them and there they were on the bough just opposite the door... being sleepy I closed my eyes and opened them again and they were gone ... but they had been there. When I got up just after this and went outside I felt like I could hear a tinkle of laughter, like when those metallic christmas decorations shatter...just like that... ah! sometimes its good to know that they are there even if they hide from the plodding likes of me.
This is one of Purr's Roof Crackers. Scary a character as can be. He's only rrrreally scared of the Nosy Stair Creeper. This horror is a distant rello of the Sink Sucker and No Gob wh
o hides in between the walls and listens to all our telephone calls.
There are many types of Roof Crackers. This is the Aussie version and I imagine that the Scots, Masai or U.S. versions would be equally as terrrifying to meet. . s
Purr wrote “EVER WONDERED Have you ever wondered what the squeak is when you venture up the stairs in your home? Well it's a wee creature called a stair creeper!Yes they are little creatures that hide under your stairs during the daytime. You always thought that creek was just a loose plank of wood giving way under your weight, but no it's the crack of the poor wee creatures finger-bones as you crush them! It hangs on by it's fingertips under your stair in the vain attempt and hope that you won't stand on it because it dare not let out a yelp of pain, it just has to hang there as you crush it's finger-bones and grit it's teeth!”
This is the blog of the person who wrote the story about the stair creeper.... have a look at the second of her posts.
This one w
as inspired by the second post in a blog called "Noisy Stair creeper"... I hope she likes it... I'll see if I am clever enough to insert her blog in the next post... I hopes she gives me permission to include the story of this little creature here :) copyrighted of course...
Its mid sprin
g here right now, and its been quite warm. The bees are flying about loaded with pollen and the birds seem to be finding plenty of food in the trees and on the ground. I spotted this lovely Mid Spring Faery watching the Rainbow Lorikeets feeding on the grass seeds in our back yard...glad I didn't mow the yard... so many birds are feeding on the seeds, and this faery seems to be delighted by it all. r
There she w
as one warm sring afternoon. I looked up through the Mulberry tree's branches and she was smiling back st me as if we'd known each other for ages... I remember the light of the sun on hr face and the sparkle in her eye...