Saturday, March 01, 2008

I have seen the Coogee Faeries before...

and here they are back again. When I was at my eldest's place... an old semi detached house near Coogee beach (Sydney)... I had plenty of reading time, plenty of dreaming time and some crying well as lots of laughter...

at the back of the house is a long flight of wooden outside steps leading to a small postage stamp size yard in which her old cat dreams away the days... the cat is an old alley cat... an Erskinville cat with moods all of his own... as he tossed and turned in sleep amongst the detritus of sticks and leaves in the yard a gaggle of faces swooped down about him, just missing his old paws as they whooshed about him... for the moment I heard, faint as to be almost not there... quick notes of music sounding like crystal would sound... if it had a sound... laughter and much revelry could be seen as the gentry teased the old cat... who was still too lazy to really do much at all about the disturbance of his sleep ...

then puff... they were just gone as if they had never been there at all.


Wanna_B_slimmer said...

Lovin your artwork...

Middle Child said...

Thanks wanna_b_slimmer much appreciated

Sling said...

These are great MC!
I like the stories too.

polona said...

you paint these? wow!
love the text, too

btw, nice of you to drop by :)