Sunday, March 30, 2008

They're everywhere.

I know it must be a bright sunlit day somewhere because they shine, but here in the wee small hours its still dark outside, and a waning moon sails endlessly in a quiet sky above my head. The stars are all out as we say, but they are always there, we just don't see say "the stars are out" the faeries think the way we put things is amusing... like saying "The sun is rising" we know it doesn't rise, the earth turns... if they amuse me how much more so must we amuse them, sadden them also... but not for long, with them all is speed and light and colour...

They are like mini angels... sure God or whatever enables the flowers to be so perfectly coloured in colours we try to but can never reproduce, not our eyes maybe.

Its the touch of God, of Angel of Faery which enables the light to shine out of the flowers, and the hills and the oceans...

As with the angels, some faeries may be a little bit fallen from time to time, might sip a bit too much nectar of the gods, or not always be dressed as we think faeries should be, or dressed at all...

There are lots of "Rudy Trudy" faeries about... all depends on how you see them and now you see them , now you don't..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Very interesting