Sunday, August 30, 2009

As winter runs away my days...
my eyes recall the faeries gaze...
nor frost nor snow nor blizzard's sting can keep the faeries from Springing's sing.

Nor...gusty winds and air with chill...
the Spring it brings the faeries will

And in the hours before dawn begins...the faeries gather with gilded wings.

The days do warm the flowers bloom....and faerie faces fill my room...I am blessed and know I faerie faces again began
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karisma said...

Ahhh! You are so talented my dear! Faerie kisses coming your way! Mwah mwah mwah xxxxx

STAG said...

with sun comes power
with rain comes life
the spring is all flowers
the spring is all life

Middle Child said...

Karisma... i must start cathicing up on your blog and thank you for the faerie kisses...back at you

Middle Child said...

Thats nice Stag... and a fitting end to the verse